These photos span the time period October 2001 to April 2002.
Last Update: 30 April 2002 || Reposted 24 Aug 2004

Right around Christmas 2001, here's Kieran with a new Lego® construction. He is very much into them at this writing...

Meanwhile, Thalia has taken it upon herself to learn how to eat like a big kid, not bad for not even two! "Did I put the milk in the wrong bowl, Mommy?"

Here's Thalia and Grandma Irwin during the trip to Philadelphia in March, at the Academy of Natural Sciences.

And here's Kieran and Grandpa Irwin at the waterfront in Philadelphia with a backdrop of the USS New Jersey across the Delaware in Camden. The Philadelphia Seaport Museum was the destination for that afternoon. (See, we don't just do trains!)

Piggyback! In the living room of our humble Ellison Park abode.

Snapshots from one of the rare snowfalls of the season. Yeah, Buffalo got dumped on, but we got skunked! Green Christmas, Green New Year's, mostly green for the whole winter. Until April, that is...

This is more like the weather we had... and aren't we just too cool for words!

Kieran at his school's Science Night... he elected to build a display of Legos illustrating the number 4, as in, that's how many "dots" there are on a block of four, but there are several ways to get there. Including two blocks of two each!

And as a cheerful veterinarian... not to be confused with "The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps," but that's entirely another story! (A Veggietales story, well a Silly Song actually, if you're curious.) Would you believe this is at a local library! It's so nice to live in an area that really can be kid-focused in the right places.


ARE the
Weakest Link...

OK, maybe Thalia is no Anne Robinson, but that is the first thought I had when I saw this pic of Thalia in Mommy's glasses! (Not to insult Mommy either, I hope!)

Well, I really can't end with that shot, so how about this one of a very happy and smiling Thalia. That's all for now, see you next time!