January 2006
These digital images were taken during late September through late November 2005. (We shot video for Christmas...)
Last Update: 16 Jan 2006

Let's start with two more photos from Marineland...
The last Friday of the season, the kids and I made one more trip there on our season passes, and took in the last show of the day-- at which there were less than thirty people. Which allowed for shots such as this! Yes, that's four of the bottlenose dolphins airborne at one time...

And then, when the show is over, the audience is allowed to exit along the glass walled tank. At this point there were maybe ten people left, which allowed the bottlenosed dolphins to give us personal attention. Which led to this shot of one with Kieran, "touching" through the glass. It's a keeper among keepers for the year and certainly my all time favorite from Marineland... so far.

But that was just a stop along the way to Toronto, where we were headed for a live taping of one of the episodes of the 15th and final season of The Red Green Show. For those of you who've never heard of this Canadian comedy show set "140 Beer Stores north of Toronto" also shown on many PBS outlets near the US border (including ours), let's say it's unique, and a favorite of the Irwin household, especially with the males. (About 50 episodes of the 300 are available on DVD at this writing.) Alhough it's one of Kieran's favorite shows, the photo of Thalia with the show's official sign came out better, so there you are. The Pinewood Derby car that Kieran had done up in Red and Green (see the March 2005 Photo Page) was officially cheered by the audience, by the way! Keep your stick on the ice, and happy retirement, Red!

Kieran on the set of The Red Green Show; sorry for the "red eye" and the darker background, such is life with flash even on a digital camera. Possum Lodge is really back there, folks!

Earlier that same day, at a park near the lakeshore... Kieran says I never post pictures with his "real" expressions, so here you go, son!

Halloween, and Thalia is the Fairy Godmother. It was almost sixty degrees that evening, no one needed a coat!

And Kieran was ready, too...

The nice weather continued into November... here are the kids at the "usual" Dairy Queen in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. The cone doesn't get any bigger, but the kids do! Contrast this shot with the one of Kieran on the January 2003 page!

Yikes, Kieran's last single digit birthday! He turned nine years old (!!!) on November 20, 2005. At right, here he is celebrating the replacement of his lost portable video game system...

Look, Daddy, the hose froze! A cold but clear day at the New Jersey home of Thalia and Kieran's paternal grandparents.

A smiling Kieran on the couch, inside where it was definitely warmer!

Finally, an historic echo of sorts. This is Thalia posing in front of Thomas the Tank Engine at the HO Scale club layout of the New York Society of Model Engineers. In the archives, there is a photo of her father some thirty years before at the same club, also leaning against the glass to get a look at the model trains. The "Dragon Cement" plant in the background was there then, too, if I recall correctly. Generations do repeat themselves sometimes...