I was on a solo trip, a (fortunately) much more uncommon occurance in the past few years, and I found myself with a bit of time and daylight after business meetings. From the meeting site it was a fast trip down the freeway to Hampton Beach and what I usually refer to as "the beach"-- but we'll go with New Hampshire's preferred term, "the Seacoast."

Here along the Atlantic Coast of course, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, or opposite the sand and waves. But at Hampton Beach that sunset is over a marsh that is itself quite photogenic. I was present for that sunset with the Digital Rebel and shot over 140 images. Here are a few selections, presented with limited commentary, from that evening of August 25, 2008.
Last Update: 21 Jan 2009

A few more minutes on the beach before the sun goes down.

The attractions including this Arcade would only be open for another couple of weeks.

Over the marshland.

A boat left out in the water was much appreciated for composition purposes!

A duck joins in.

Until tomorrow...

Last light mixes with headlights from the beachfront stand where I had dinner.