| ![]() Just a bit over two years old, and already on the family computer...
Kieran's not only mastered the Reader Rabbit and Jump Start
Toddler programs, but he's well on his way with the Preschool
versions! At this rate, he'll be writing the UMTRR before he turns six...
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Christmastime in Ellison Park... look at all the presents!
Kieran was more fascinated by the tree, and by that track running beneath
it... wouldn't happen to be a train for it, would there? (Yes, both
the Bachmann "South Pacific Coast" and the Lionel "Thomas the Tank Engine,"
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Uh, Mom and Dad, we're not getting any more snow, are we?
It's already twice as tall as I am! January, 1999, the great 30 inches in
four days winter extravagnza. Kieran is standing in front of what was
shoveled out of the driveway. The object in the upper left corner is
the mailbox post!
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Train! South Amboy, NJ, December 1998. The station
looks much the same as it did in the 1950's, but the K-4 steamers,
the GG1 electrics, and even most of the E-60 electrics are gone, as is
the famous engine change ritual. Kieran and I make some new memories
as a Saturday morning push-pull "westbound" to Long Branch pauses
for passengers.
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"Down on the farm" in our Ellison Park kitchen. Note to self: Replace that floor! (We did.)
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And finally... a holdover from Kieran's 2nd Birthday Page, that has
generated more comments than any other photo I've posted to date. It
was a lucky shot! It's Halloween and Kieran is dressed as Thomas the
Tank Engine. My dad put a mirror outside against the back porch
temporarily before giving it to the neighbors. Kieran saw his
reflection in it, and I happened to have the camera in my hand. I
still can't figure out how I am not in the shot... but I'll take it!
(Thomas the Tank Engine is a trademark of Britt Alcroft (Thomas) Limited.)
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